About Melissa


Hi, I’m Melissa, Louisiana transplant, wife of an English professor, mom of 2 kids, Diet Coke addict, taco-lover, Believer, and creative spirit. By day, I’m a sales and marketing guru (or like to think I am), by night I run my Etsy store Hayden & Jules, an embroidery boutique, and somewhere in between I question what I’m doing with my life, career-wise. (I think they call that a mid-life crisis, except I’m too broke to have the sports car to accompany it.)

In December 2017, we found out that we would be moving to Norway for 11 months in August 2018. Since I had mostly abandoned my personal kid-centric blog over the last few years, I decided to create a new one with a broader focus. I’ll be sharing about myself, our pre-Norway story, as well as all about the once in a lifetime opportunity of living in another country.

We’re excited about our upcoming adventure and hope you enjoy following along!